How To Create Voiceover For Video Resumes

Video resumes are becoming a popular requirement for job seekers, especially for client-facing roles where personality and communication skills play an important part. One popular example is Zomato in India. Here is how to create voiceover for video resumes.

What is a video resume? 

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In simple terms, a video resume is like a cover letter narrated over a video. It allows recruiters to evaluate a candidate's personality, speaking style, and body language, which are not possible to assess through a traditional cover letter.

However, a video resume is not meant to replace a resume or CV; it's typically submitted as an additional information source for the recruiter.

Doing Voiceover For Your Video Resume

Once you have carefully crafted your resume script, you can read it out aloud with some personality mixed in. Do your best to communicate who you are as a person and why you're fit for the job.

You can follow the script in the script section of the article:

Using AI Voiceover For Video Resume

Using AI voiceover technology to introduce yourself from a third-person perspective. This can add a unique angle to your video to stand out. We also recommend using your own voice to add credibility to the video.

A video resume format like this is similar to personal youtube videos to market yourself in dimensions that traditional employee interviews will never get to experience. Sometimes non verbal and indirect things can say more about you than a Q/A interview.

To use this approach, you can write a script in the third-person about yourself, highlighting your key skills, experiences, and qualifications. Then, you can use the A script to video tool to tell a story about yourself in a polished video resume.

Equipment needed

To make a video resume, you'll need a good quality camera. A smartphone camera is usually sufficient, but make sure it has a decent resolution and the room is well lit, and film the video on a steady tripod.

It's a big no no to handheld camera shots.

Additionally, it's recommended to use a lapel microphone to improve voice quality. If you don't want to buy one, you can use the microphone

Writing the script

One unique way to create a video resume that demonstrates a person's value to the employer is to start by addressing the company's specific pain points or challenges, and then explaining how your skills, experience, and personality can help solve those issues. 

The key is to present this like a product ad

This approach shows that you have done your research on the company and understand their needs, which can be impressive to potential employers.

In terms of format, it is important to keep the video professional and concise. You can use creative visual aids such as graphs, images, or video clips to support your message and make your video more engaging. You can also include testimonials from previous employers or clients, or showcase any relevant projects or achievements.

Follow this script:

  • Introduction: Start with a brief introduction of yourself, including your name, where you're from, and any interesting facts or unique traits that set you apart.
  • Education: Talk about your educational background, including any degrees or certifications you've earned, and how they relate to the position you're applying for.
  • Work Experience: Discuss your work experience, highlighting any relevant positions you've held and the skills you've developed through them.
  • Accomplishments: Share some of your proudest accomplishments, whether they are academic, professional, or personal.
  • Interests: Talk about your interests and hobbies, showcasing your unique personality and demonstrating any transferable skills you've gained.
  • Why You're a Great Fit: Explain why you're the ideal candidate for the position, emphasizing your skills, experience, and passion for the industry.
  • Closing: Thank the viewer for their time and consideration, and invite them to contact you or review your resume for more information.

Shooting the video

Note: You don't have to be the sole focus of your video resume. Including B-roll footage of your previous work, speaking engagements, or photos can enhance the video and showcase your abilities in a way that is not possible in a traditional interview or even after working at the company for a year or two

Choose a plain background with good lighting and no background noise. Dress formally and position the camera to focus on your head and torso.

Make eye contact with the camera and speak naturally. It may take a few takes to get it right, but keep practicing until you're satisfied with the result.

It's also very important to consider how you speak on camera. First, it's important to speak slowly and enunciate your words.

Additionally, you should practice your speaking beforehand. This can involve rehearsing your script multiple times to get comfortable with the language and pacing.

Another tip is to use simple language and avoid overly complex sentences or jargon. This helps to keep your message clear and concise, and makes it easier for your audience to follow along.

Editing the video

When it comes to being creative with your video resume, it's important to remember that accuracy and authenticity are key. While you may be tempted to exaggerate your skills or accomplishments, it's important to keep in mind that your in-person interview will ultimately determine whether you are a good fit for the role.

That being said, there are still ways to showcase your creativity and personality in your video resume. You could try using different camera angles or incorporating graphics or animations to help illustrate your points. You could also consider adding a personal touch by including footage of how you are as a person into the video CV.