25 Voiceover Tips

Here are 25 voiceover tips to follow as much as you could for your next video or audio projects:

25 Voiceover Tips:

Have a quiet environment to record voiceovers. 

A quiet environment helps to ensure that there is no background noise or interference in the audio.

Use a good microphone

A good microphone ensures that the audio is clear and of good quality.

Keep the microphone close to your mouth

Keeping the microphone close to your mouth ensures that your voice is captured effectively.

Format the card before recording

Formatting the card ensures that it works and saves time during editing.

Keep the script on an iPad.

This prevents the paper sound from being picked up by the microphone and ensures that there is no rustling noise.

Start each section with a clear label

This helps the editor to identify the content of each section and makes it easier to edit.

Stand up while recording

Standing up allows for better airflow, a better voice, and less restriction.

Breathe while reading the script

Breathing helps to maintain the voice quality and prevent slurring.

Inject energy into the recording

Adding life and energy to the recording keeps it interesting and engaging for the listener.

Do not slur or mumble

Speaking clearly ensures that the listener can understand what is being said.

Stop recording after each section to rest your voice

Resting your voice prevents it from becoming strained or tired.

Check the microphone level before recording

Checking the microphone level ensures that the audio is not too loud or too low.

Leave a little pause between sentences

Leaving a pause between sentences makes editing easier and allows for more natural-sounding speech.

Speak at a normal pace

Speaking at a normal pace ensures that the listener can keep up with the information being presented.

Pause when demonstrating something on screen

Pausing allows the listener to follow along and perform the action as well.

Keep it fun while recording

Keeping the recording fun helps to keep the mood positive and engaging.

Avoid getting frustrated while recording

Getting frustrated can come across in the recording and affect the quality of the audio.

Use humor to lighten the mood

Humor helps to keep the recording fun and entertaining.

Suck the liquid out of your mouth before recording

This prevents the "swishy" noise that can occur when speaking with liquid in the mouth.

Keep the microphone at a suitable distance

Keeping the microphone at the right distance ensures that the audio is clear and of good quality.

Speak at a suitable volume

Speaking at a suitable volume ensures that the audio is not too loud or too low.

Keep the pace steady and consistent

Keeping the pace steady and consistent helps the listener to keep up with the information being presented.

Avoid paper rustling.

Paper rustling can be picked up by the microphone and affect the quality of the audio.

Do not record after drinking alcohol

Drinking alcohol can affect the quality of the audio.

Avoid becoming too robotic or monotone

Speaking in a robotic or monotone voice can be boring and unengaging for the listener.