[Top 12] Avoid these script to video pitfalls

12 Script To Video Pitfalls To Avoid

Check out our Script To Video Guide here

Every part of the video gets voice narration

A video doesn't always need narration. A good video can tell a story with visuals, music, sound effects, and other elements. Cutting back on voiceover narration can make the video simpler and allow visuals to stand out. It can also be more interesting for the viewer and increase accessibility for those with hearing difficulties. And, without narration, there's more room for creativity and visual storytelling.

Over using stock videos

As a content creator, overusing stock videos can quickly become boring for your audience, in addition to harming originality, authenticity, engagement, control, and potentially leading to legal issues. To avoid these drawbacks, it's important to balance the use of stock videos with original and creative elements in order to create compelling and effective content.

Not considering the format

The format of the video (e.g., landscape, portrait, square) can impact the overall look and feel of the video, as well as how the content is displayed. It's important to consider the duration format when adapting the text script to video.

Is this for Instagram, YouTube Short? or is this long form video content that someone should watch on a desktop computer monitor uninterrupted?

Not considering the call to action

Videos should have a clear call to action, encouraging the viewer to take a specific action (e.g., visit a website, sign up for a newsletter, etc.). Neglecting to include a call to action can reduce the overall impact and effectiveness of the video.

Showing too much caption on the screen

Showing too many captions on the screen can negatively impact a video by causing overcrowding, reducing visual impact, decreasing engagement, and hindering comprehension.

Captions should be used sparingly and only when necessary for context or clarification, to strike a balance between enhancing the video and not detracting from the overall experience.

Lack of visual storytelling

Text scripts are often written for reading, not for viewing. When converting to video, it's important to consider how to translate the information into a visual form that will engage the audience.

Lack of consistency in tone and style

Videos should have a consistent tone and style throughout to maintain the audience's engagement. It's important to consider the tone and style when adapting the text script to video.

Picking the wrong voiceover avatar can have negative effect on the content.

Check out top premium AI voiceover software here

Overloading on special effects

Special effects can be a great way to enhance the visual appeal of a video, but they should be used sparingly. Overloading on special effects can detract from the overall message and impact of the video.

One biggest pitfall content creators have is over using memes, and sometimes it detracts the value of the content. 

Text script optimized for reading

Not everything article or blog post can be converted to a video right off the bat. Some requires editing so it sounds natural to consume in a video format. Removing things that make sense in a article such as "read more here", "click here to download", but they don't make sense when it gets said out aloud in videos.

Ignoring the importance of music

The audio quality of a video is just as important as the visual quality. Poor audio can distract the viewer and reduce the overall impact of the video.

Poor quality text script

The message within the script lacks value, and it should not be converted to a video. Editors can sometimes get lazy, and want to crank out content fast without checking the actual value of the content.

Inconsistent pacing

The pace of the video should be consistent throughout, avoiding abrupt changes that can disorient the viewer. The problem can be solved by editing the script, and each chuck should have proper duration. Any run on sentences or not being concise can complicate the script to video editing process.